[C/S for linux] I wish disapeared following error message
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2008-03-26 05:11:45 UTC
08:45:38 KST 26 Mar 2008 4097-46(2-1) E (IB-COM2) PID 2989 (snacfgdae)
Failed during restoration of database file /var/opt/ibm/sna/topology.dat
A NOF verb (opcode 0x20f7) has been rejected.
Return codes = 0x0100 0x3a900000

Every time we restart sna node process(sna stop, start), We have above error
log in sna.err.
But sna system is run normally.
Why apeared that message?
Can we resolve it?
2008-03-26 10:52:02 UTC
Post by HeungKi-Kim
08:45:38 KST 26 Mar 2008 4097-46(2-1) E (IB-COM2) PID 2989 (snacfgdae)
Failed during restoration of database file /var/opt/ibm/sna/topology.dat
A NOF verb (opcode 0x20f7) has been rejected.
Return codes = 0x0100 0x3a900000
Every time we restart sna node process(sna stop, start),
We have above error log in sna.err.
But sna system is run normally.
Why apeared that message?
Can we resolve it?
Since you say you are running CS Linux, you
should probably have asked this question in the
ibm.software.commserver.linux newsgroup, but in
this case the answer is the same for both CS/AIX
and CS Linux. You can use the instructions at:
to reset the topology.dat file and/or you can use
the "snaadmin -c define_node, clear_initial_topology=yes"
flag to have it cleared each time the node is started.
See the CommServer Admin Command Reference book for
details on the clear_initial_topology field.

Paul Landay
