C/S for AIX CP error
(too old to reply)
18 years ago
Hello, Customer has following error message.
that message display before session connection.
Maybe... we had been connected Linkstation to host
But, Linkstaion connected successfully. and Sessiong has connected

Why we got following error messages?
Do you know method for avoid following message?
Or... need some modify configuration from AIX to Mainframe?


10:57:52 KORST 22 Nov 2006 512-319(0-10) P (p5b2)
UNBIND request received in response to a BIND request.
Sense code = 0x10030021
Local LU name = VTAM1.A0P001
Partner LU name = VTAM1.SSCP01
Mode name = CPSVCMG
31001307 B0B050B3 07879797 87070602 00000000 00004014 2300000C E5E3C1D4
F14BC1F0 D7F0F0F1 2D000802 C3D7E2E5 C3D4C709 03012FD0 4E3984B4 9E0D04E5
E3C1D4F1 4BC1F0D7 F0F0F10A 1300D6C1 E901A3D8 C9CC000C E5E3C1D4 F14BE2E2
C3D7F0F1 2C090407 C3D7E2E5 C3D4C760 15FD2FD0 4E3984B4 9E0CE5E3 C1D4F14B
C1F0D7F0 F0F10000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
320F0000 00006015 FD2FD04E 3984B49E 0CE5E3C1 D4F14BC1 F0D7F0F0 F1351710
03002180 03812681 0CE5E3C1 D4F14BE2 E2C3D7F0 F100
10:57:52 KORST 22 Nov 2006 512-723(2-10) P (p5b2)
CP capabilities exchange failed because of protocol error.
Sense code = 0x08090039
Adjacent CP name = VTAM1.SSCP01
18 years ago
I suggest starting with the commands:
sna -getsense 10030021
sna -getsense 08090039
The session which failed is the CP-CP session.
Your user sessions may still work ok.
To know whether a CS/AIX or VTAM config change is
needed, we would need to know what the current
configs are (sna_node.cfg and VTAMLSTs).

Paul Landay
18 years ago
Hello, my attach file is helpful? :-)
The configs show exactly what Chris Mason suspected
in his reply. You have the CS/AIX CP name and the
VTAM PU name both set to "A9P003". A CP and a PU
are two different entities as far as VTAM is concerned,
so VTAM refuses to establish cp-cp sessions with
the "PU called A9P003". You either need to rename
the CS/AIX CP name or the VTAM PU name. To be explicit
you have this in the VTAMLST:
A9P003 PU ADDR=02,CPNAME=A9P003,
so I suggest changing that to:

Paul Landay

Chris Mason
18 years ago

You mention "Mainframe" so I expect your partner is Communications Server
SNA, in other words, VTAM. I *think* the 10030021 sense code originates from

When you receive a sense code which was created by VTAM, you should use the
following manual in order to see

1. what the explanation of the sense code is - something available from any
source which documents SNA sense codes
2. any "hints" as to why VTAM may have set this sense code - something you
will only find in this manual and these "hints" can be golden!

z/OS V1R8.0 Communications Server IP and SNA Codes


Of course, you should in general use the manual which corresponds to your
z/OS release but that doesn't matter here.

The "hint" which perhaps explains what you have done wrong is the following:



There is a mismatch between session initiation request type and LU type
(independent or dependent). For example, a session initiation request other
than BFINIT identifies an independent LU as a session partner.

VTAM hint: Ensure that the PU name and CPNAME operand have unique names in
the PU definition statement of the switched major node definition.


What this is saying is that you should ensure that the name of the PU
statement and the value of the CPNAME operand are different. In SNA it is
not possible that two network addressable/accessible units (NAUs) can have
the same name. A PU is one NAU and, when APPN is used, a CP needs to behave
also as an LU which is another NAU. Another way of saying this is that PUs
and LUs (and SSCPs) occupy the same "name space". Also, if you ever become a
VTAM specialist, note that many other names for VTAM definitions will occupy
this same "name space" because of the way the VTAM VARY ACT and VARY INACT
commands work.

Chris Mason
Post by HeungKi,Kim
Hello, Customer has following error message.
that message display before session connection.
Maybe... we had been connected Linkstation to host
But, Linkstaion connected successfully. and Sessiong has connected
Why we got following error messages?
Do you know method for avoid following message?
Or... need some modify configuration from AIX to Mainframe?
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