Question on configuring Communication Server setting in AIX Options
(too old to reply)
Chris Mason
2009-07-15 16:35:26 UTC

First the bad news:

1. The IBM-MAIN list is for matters concerning IBM zSeries systems not
pSeries (AIX) or iSeries (AS/400).

2. Your post appears only in the Google Groups digest and did not appear in
the IBM-MAIN archives. I think this means only people who receive the Google
Groups digest have a chance of seeing it. Normally when this happens for a
post in which I take an interest, I post it properly. However, since this is
a post which does not belong in IBM-MAIN I won't be doing so for this one.

Now the good news:

There is a newsgroup for the AIX Communications Server product. The
newsgroup reference can be found on the page entitled "IBM Networking
software newsgroups":


I'm going to post your query there as a way of demonstrating to myself that
this newsgroup is still "alive".


Chris Mason
We would like to seek advice on starting the session for LU because we
found an internal error from the error log (sna.err).
We are able to connect to AS/400 up to the link station level.
But when we start to activate session for the LU ESBLU03 (our side -
RS6000) with DTDM251 (AS400), it shows the error of temporarily failed
to start the session.
We have checked the error log "sna.err" with the following error.
----------------------- 2009-07-14 09:46:48 CDT
LOG Message 4096 - 19, Subcode: 0 - 10
Log category: PROBLEM Cause Type: Internal
System: as2hkdapp06
File name = ../../p/sappn/nsmutil.c
Line number = 298
Expression = (LOCAL.independent_lu) || (total_limit == 1)
On the AS400 side, the LU name from DTDM251 to DTDM262 are created.
Thanks for your help.
Best Regards,
Raymond Chan
Raymond Chan
2009-07-15 17:39:49 UTC
Dear Chris,

Thanks for correcting me...I apologize for any inconvenience made...
Do u have any idea on the error log that shown?...

Best Regards,
Raymond Chan
Post by Chris Mason
1. The IBM-MAIN list is for matters concerning IBM zSeries systems not
pSeries (AIX) or iSeries (AS/400).
2. Your post appears only in the Google Groups digest and did not appear
in the IBM-MAIN archives. I think this means only people who receive the
Google Groups digest have a chance of seeing it. Normally when this
happens for a post in which I take an interest, I post it properly.
However, since this is a post which does not belong in IBM-MAIN I won't be
doing so for this one.
There is a newsgroup for the AIX Communications Server product. The
newsgroup reference can be found on the page entitled "IBM Networking
I'm going to post your query there as a way of demonstrating to myself
that this newsgroup is still "alive".
Chris Mason
We would like to seek advice on starting the session for LU because we
found an internal error from the error log (sna.err).
We are able to connect to AS/400 up to the link station level.
But when we start to activate session for the LU ESBLU03 (our side -
RS6000) with DTDM251 (AS400), it shows the error of temporarily failed
to start the session.
We have checked the error log "sna.err" with the following error.
----------------------- 2009-07-14 09:46:48 CDT
LOG Message 4096 - 19, Subcode: 0 - 10
Log category: PROBLEM Cause Type: Internal
System: as2hkdapp06
File name = ../../p/sappn/nsmutil.c
Line number = 298
Expression = (LOCAL.independent_lu) || (total_limit == 1)
On the AS400 side, the LU name from DTDM251 to DTDM262 are created.
Thanks for your help.
Best Regards,
Raymond Chan
Chris Mason
2009-07-15 22:18:24 UTC

It was very little trouble.

You should follow the advice given by Paul Landay. He is the specialist who
know the current AIX SNA product very well. I used to know older versions of
the AIX SNA product when I was obliged to use them in order to teach other
AIX products and eventually I got to teach the AIX SNA product itself - but
that was back in 1996!

I follow the IBM-MAIN and IBMTCP-L lists in order to deal with z/OS
Communications Server matters, whether the SNA component (VTAM) or the IP

I follow other lists/newsgroups relating to SNA products only for topics
related to SNA as an architecture. This explains why I subscribe to this

In order to illustrate that, I can comment on an interesting question you
Do you mean that when they are physically connected, they can detect the
opposite side LU?
There is a special case - which need not be so special if you use it all the
time. The special case is when the LU you use for your application is the
same LU as is used by the Control Point (CP) function in the node. I believe
it is normal for a node implementing APPN or even Low Entry Networking (LEN)
makes contact with another similar node, a "partner LU location"
definition - a directory entry - for the LU with the same name as the CP is
created automatically. Having defined a CP, you do not need to define any
other SSCP-independent LU in order to run applications because there is
always an LU with the name of the CP available - and, as just mentioned, it
is "known" by all adjacent nodes.

The reason that the CP name is known by the adjacent node is that, when
contact is made over the link, there is an exchange of messages before
normal link level mechanisms start which establishes a number of parameters
one "side" needs to know about the other "side". Among these parameters is
the name of the CP.

If the adjacent node is part of an APPN network, the LU becomes known
throughout the network as needed based on APPN search mechanisms.

One way to verify that you have a link connection which can support sessions
is to use the APING transaction. I believe the client and server versions of
this "application" should be available in the Communications Server product
on the AIX platform and the AS/400 SNA programming.

Chris Mason
Dear Chris,
Thanks for correcting me...I apologize for any inconvenience made...
Do u have any idea on the error log that shown?...
Best Regards,
Raymond Chan
Post by Chris Mason
1. The IBM-MAIN list is for matters concerning IBM zSeries systems not
pSeries (AIX) or iSeries (AS/400).
2. Your post appears only in the Google Groups digest and did not appear
in the IBM-MAIN archives. I think this means only people who receive the
Google Groups digest have a chance of seeing it. Normally when this
happens for a post in which I take an interest, I post it properly.
However, since this is a post which does not belong in IBM-MAIN I won't
be doing so for this one.
There is a newsgroup for the AIX Communications Server product. The
newsgroup reference can be found on the page entitled "IBM Networking
I'm going to post your query there as a way of demonstrating to myself
that this newsgroup is still "alive".
Chris Mason
We would like to seek advice on starting the session for LU because we
found an internal error from the error log (sna.err).
We are able to connect to AS/400 up to the link station level.
But when we start to activate session for the LU ESBLU03 (our side -
RS6000) with DTDM251 (AS400), it shows the error of temporarily failed
to start the session.
We have checked the error log "sna.err" with the following error.
----------------------- 2009-07-14 09:46:48 CDT
LOG Message 4096 - 19, Subcode: 0 - 10
Log category: PROBLEM Cause Type: Internal
System: as2hkdapp06
File name = ../../p/sappn/nsmutil.c
Line number = 298
Expression = (LOCAL.independent_lu) || (total_limit == 1)
On the AS400 side, the LU name from DTDM251 to DTDM262 are created.
Thanks for your help.
Best Regards,
Raymond Chan